Corporate Social Investment Programme

Corporate Social Investment Programme


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Corporate Social Investment Programme

The Gauteng office also implements Insika Foundation’s Corporate Social Investment Programme. The Insika Foundation philosophy is that beneficiaries do not all require the same assistance. In the extension of resources and support to programmes at grassroots level Insika Foundation pays acute attention to how it can facilitate for moving beneficiaries closer to becoming self-sufficient, thus moving them from point A to point B, one beneficiary at a time.


Insika Foundation spends Nelson Mandela Day with CWP Crèche in Alexander

Insika Foundation spent Nelson Mandela day on the 18 July 2019 with the CWP crèche in Alexander. As part of the activity for the day the Insika team painted the crèche and provided a range of educational toys, equipment and food items for the children. The day was spent interacting with the Early Childhood Development (ECD) practitioners at the crèche and spending time with the children.

Insika Foundation Presents Donation to Gcwalulwazi High School – eShowe, KZN


Insika Foundation spent the day with Gcwalulwazi High School, eShowe on the 26 July 2019 to present a donation to the principal, Mr Hlabisa, the educators and most importantly the learners of Gcwalulwazi High School.

The team from the Insika Foundation both from head office (Gauteng) and at the provincial office (KZN) were introduced to the learners explaining the programmes that are currently being implemented by Insika and how these contribute to building the local community. Insika donated to the school in the form of stationary items, food items, musical equipment, achievement trophies, reading material (dictionary and atlas books) and a monetary contribution to benefit the school across the grades (grade 8 to 12).


A motivational forum was hosted and the Founder of Insika Foundation, Gabsie Mathenjwa and the COO of Insika Foundation Sipho Shabalala presented during this session. They engaged the grade 12 learners with inspirational and practical advice about the need to amplify their attention to their studies for the rest of 2019. The overarching message for the learners was that your circumstance does not define the possibilities and potential that awaits you in the world. The principal of Gcwalulwazi High School (on behalf of all other stakeholders present as well) expressed his sincere gratitude and appreciation to Insika Foundation for continuing to be a pillar to Gcwalulwazi High School, KZN and South Africa in general.

Women in Business

On the 17 August 2019 KZN Namuhla Community Newspaper in partnership with Ethekwini Municipality ABM hosted a Women in Business seminar in Durban. Insika Foundation was one of the key sponsors of the event and the CEO & Founder Ms Gabsie Mathenjwa was one of the panelists at the event.


The purpose of the seminar was for aspirant business women and budding entrepreneurs and leaders to share key insights into the challenges and successes of their business operations and future plans in relation to the fourth industrial revolution. The event was also held to commemorate the women of 1956 who on 9 August marched to the Union Buildings to protest against the apartheid pass laws.


The event was closed off with a Gala Dinner at Coastland Hotel at the Ridge where the ladies were able to network and making lasting business connections for the future.


Life Beyond Disability

Life Beyond Disability (LBD) is a humanitarian Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) registered in June 2018 by Nolwazi Khuzwayo who serves as the Director of the organisation. The main objective of LBD is to promote full social integration for people living with disabilities. The model LBD employs is to work in partnership with persons with disabilities and their families to provide care and support in a holistic way. The NPO is also passionate about empowering persons with disabilities so that they are able to integrate into mainstream society thereby becoming more self-sufficient in the long term. In addition, through its various programmes LBD commits to educating all its stakeholders on the importance of restoring human dignity and promoting equality for people living with disabilities. Insika Foundation sponsored LBD with its Annual Award/Prize Giving ceremony in October 2019 and looks forward to working with this organisation in the future.


Mhlabayalingana Soccer Tournament – KwaZulu Natal

A soccer tournament was held in Mhlabayalingana, which is situated in the north eastern part of KwaZulu Natal on the 7th and the 8th of September with the aim of bringing the youth of the community together. In total five (5) teams participated in the tournament. There is growing concern about the increased usage of drugs, alcohol and crime amongst the youth in the community of Mhlabayalingana and the encouragement of youth sport and recreational activities has been a great way to keep the youngsters of the community healthy and off the streets. Insika Foundation sponsored this event by providing soccer kits and soccer gear (trophies, medals & soccer balls) for this event which was a huge success. This event will be a cause that Insika Foundation will support in the future.

Comrades Marathon 2019

An employee at the Insika Foundation Mr Kelebogile Thlako (29) was sponsored by Insika to participate in the Comrades Marathon which took place on the 09 June 2019. It was his first time running the Comrades Marathon but he qualified by running 42km in 3hrs:59.

He trained diligently for his race with the Mogalakwena Athletic club. Insika Foundation contributed running gear and supplements to assist him and his running club team in his fulfillment of this great sporting challenge. Unfortunately, due to an injury prior to the race he could not participate in 2019 but will be returning in 2020 in full force!


Fun Run - Mall of Africa

Insika Foundation employees participated in a Fun Run at the Mall of Africa on the 5th December 2019. A total of six participants four (4) gentleman and two (2) ladies were there representing the organisation. The main purpose of the event was to promote the importance of exercise amongst staff members but also to encourage team building and cohesion amongst the staff. The importance of employee wellness is a principal that Insika Foundation entrenches in all its offices around the country.


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