Insika Foundation Western Cape

Insika Foundation has a provincial office set up Somerset West, Western Cape in order to serve the province at a local level. The operational model of Insika Foundation enables the Insika staff, Provincial Managers, Site Managers and Site Administrators to reach local communities more efficiently especially in remote, underserved areas of the province.

In the implementation of Insika Foundation projects and programmes the objective is to use regional knowledge and expertise to roll-out initiatives in the most effective way working in collaboration with the community, municipality and other local structures. Synergy of communication between the Head Office in Gauteng and the Provincial office in the Western Cape is a key priority for Insika Foundation where an integrated network leverages both human and financial resources optimally.

Our flagship projects include:

1. The Hair, Nail and Beauty Salon programme was started in March 2019 with the objective of creating SMME opportunities for CWP participants. The participants are trained on technical skills in hair, nail technology and beauty technology as well as business skills so that they are able to ultimately exit the programme.  The participants are connected with various role players so as to create sustainable businesses so that in the future these entrepreneurs can in turn create more jobs. There are 25 beneficiaries on this programme to date.
2.  The Support to the Education Sector started in March 2012. The objective of the programme is to support poorer schools and ECD centres to deliver a better quality education to learners from disadvantaged communities. The schools participating in this programme are hugely under resourced. Participants on this programme are exposed to the sector as classroom assistants, after school tutors, sport coaches, library assistants and administrative clerks. The schools and ECD centres have seen an increase in the academic performances of learners and a culture of reading has been restored at an early stage (Grade R – 3). The number of beneficiaries for this project to date is more than 8000 learners across the province.