Step 1:

Database Application ( Find the delivery address on the database form)

Step 2:

Get registered on our database (Vendor Number)

Step 3:

Send out Request for Quotation
(RFQ) to supplier's who are on our database.

Step 4:

Once Supplier's receive the RFQ they must respond within 7 days

Step 5:

Internal - Bid Committee Evaluation / Adjudication

Step 6:

Internal - Send out Appointment letter Purchase Order and Memorandum of Agreement to the selected Suppliers

Step 7:

Supplier signature and Memorandum of Agreement obtained and send it back the within 2 working days

Step 8:

Delivery must be done within 20 days

Step 9:

Once the Supplier has delivered must send the invoice. The delivery note must be signed by our site manager and bank confirmation letter must be sent via email : or Hand delivered.

Step 10:

SCM Team to check invoice to see whether it is aligned with the purchase order and if it is correct take the file to Finance Team to process the payment.